Terms & Conditions
The basic concept of the Indigenous History and Heritage Gathering (IHHG) [the “Gathering”] is to make exhibit areas open, accessible and visually appealing to attendees. The floor plans have been designed so that all exhibit booth spaces will be convenient and equally visible to attendees. The following exposition rules and regulations will apply in order to provide each Exhibitor with the opportunity to make effective use of this space without infringing on the rights of other Exhibitors. For the purposes of this trade show contract, the term “Exhibitor” is one and the same as the company name.
- Management. In these rules and regulations, “show management” shall mean the IHHG Hosts the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR), the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres (FNCCEC) and Presenting Sponsors Know History, their Board of Directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, assigns, and any persons appointed, delegated, or hired by these parties to manage any or all aspects of the Indigenous History & Heritage Gathering (IHHG).
- Payment Terms. Full payment is due at time of booking. The exhibitor contract must be paid in full before any Exhibitor is permitted to install its display. If full payment is not received 45 days prior to the gathering date, the company will be deemed to have abandoned its exhibit booth space and will forfeit (i.e., lose) any money paid.
- Occupancy. The actual occupancy of the exhibit booth space rented by the company is ‘of the essence’ in this exhibitor contract, and if the company does not occupy such space, the show management (defined below) is authorized to occupy such space or cause it to be occupied as the show management, at its sole discretion, deems best, without releasing the company from any liability hereunder.
- Eligible Exhibits. Exhibits will be limited to those companies or other entities offering materials, products or services of specific interest to registrants. Show management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any product for display. The Exhibitor agrees that its exhibit shall be admitted and shall remain from day to day solely on strict compliance with these rules and regulations.
- Limitation of Liability. The company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the show management, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR), the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres (FNCCEC), Know History and AMP, exhibition hall facility (the “facility”), and city in which this exhibition is being held, and their officers, directors, agents, employees, successors, and assigns, against all claims, losses, suits, damages, judgments, expenses and costs and charges of every kind resulting from its occupancy of the exhibit booth space herein contracted for, by reason of personal injuries, death, property damage, loss, or any other cause sustained by the company, its officers, directors, agents, employees, and subletting tenants, and all third parties. The show management shall not be responsible for loss or damage to displays, lights, goods, equipment or machinery belonging to Exhibitors, whether resulting from criminal or terrorist acts, strikes, fire, floods, storms, acts of God, air conditioning or heating failure, theft, pilferage, mischief, mysterious disappearance, bomb threats or any other causes. All items brought to the exhibition are displayed at Exhibitor’s own risk, and should be safeguarded by the company at all times. The company also agrees that the provisions of this paragraph shall apply if loss, damage or injury, irrespective of cause or origin, results directly or indirectly to person or property from performance or non-performance of obligations imposed by this exhibitor contract or from negligence, active or otherwise, strict liability, violation of any applicable laws or any other alleged fault on the part of show management. In no event shall show management be responsible for any claim for punitive, exemplary or aggravated damages, damages for loss of profits or revenue, indirect, consequential or special damages of any kind or any damages whatsoever relating to the loss of, or loss of use of, displays, lights, goods, equipment or machinery belonging to Exhibitors. The company further agrees that show management shall not be responsible in the event of any errors or omissions in the listings in the Exhibitors’ official directory and in any promotional material. The company agrees to indemnify show management against and hold it harmless for any claims and for all damages, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable lawyer’s fees (on a substantial indemnity/solicitor-client basis) and amounts paid in settlement incurred in connection with such claims arising out of the acts (whether intentional or accidental) or negligence of the Exhibitor, its officers, directors, employees, agents, assigns, successors, contractors, subcontractors, and those for whom at the law the Exhibitor is responsible.
- General Rules. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by show management in the best interests of the gathering and agrees that show management shall have the final decision in adopting any rule or regulation deemed necessary prior to, during and after the gathering. Show management reserves the right to alter the floor plan, at its sole discretion. This includes relocating exhibitors to fit with any floor plan revisions. Show management also reserves the right to expel Exhibitors or their personnel if, in the opinion of show management, their conduct or presentation is objectionable to show management, other gathering participants or to the public.
- Primary Exhibitors. Space shall be contracted and paid for only by the company making application and occupying assigned space according to the company name shown on the contract. Only the company name shown on the contract will appear in printed material relating to the gathering – including promotions, signage and name badges.
- Subletting of Space. Space contracted by the Exhibitor shall not be sublet nor shared with non-Exhibitors without the prior written permission of show management.
- Premium Booth Space. Premium prices may be applied to preferred locations and specialized booth space.
- Booth Representatives. Booth representatives shall be restricted to Exhibitor’s employees and their authorized representatives. All booths must be staffed by the Exhibitor during all open gathering hours. Premium booths shall be attended by no more than two representatives. Table tops shall be attended by no more than one representative.
- Exhibitor Conduct. Retail sales are absolutely prohibited during the course of the gathering. An infraction of this rule will result in the closure of your exhibit. Subject to the foregoing, the distribution of samples, souvenirs, publications, etc., or other sales or sales promotion activities must be conducted by Exhibitors only from within their booth. The distribution of any articles that interfere with the activities or obstruct access to neighbouring booths, or impede aisles, is prohibited. No article containing any product other than the product or materials made or processed or used, or sold by Exhibitors in their products or service may be distributed except by written permission of show management.
- Exhibit Space Allocation. Booth space will be assigned by show management in consideration of the following:
a) type of booth requested, and
b) date application with full payment is received by IHHG. - Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits. The Exhibitor agrees to have his exhibit set up and staffed in time for the opening of the gathering. The Exhibitor shall not remove any part of his display or product until the gathering is officially closed, and failure to comply without the express written consent of show management, will result in a fine of $500 being imposed, which will be invoiced after the gathering, and immediately payable. In addition, removal without consent may result in the loss of future exhibition privileges. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove his exhibit and equipment from the exhibit area by the final move-out time limit, or, in the event of failure to do so, the Exhibitor shall be responsible for any additional costs incurred.
- Fire Regulations. Fire-retardant materials must be used. No inflammable fluids or substances may be used or shown in booths. No fire exits are to be blocked, and access to fire protection equipment, including sprinkler control valves, fire hose stations, portable extinguishers, and fire alarm stations, must not be restricted.
- Confetti, glitter, or rice is prohibited within the facilities. Exhibitor will be responsible for any labor and materials required for clean-up resulting from violation of this policy.
- Electrical. All operating electrical equipment used in the exhibit must have CSA or equivalent provincial power authority approval.
- Insurance. The Exhibitor is responsible for securing and maintaining general and third-party liability insurance related to its participation in the gathering. Exhibitors must carry a minimum of $5 million CAD in general liability insurance and must provide proof of coverage upon request by show management. In addition, if the Exhibitor contracts services with non-official IHHG contractors, those contractors must also provide proof of at least $5 million CAD in general liability insurance before being permitted entry to the facility.
- Liability & Damage to Property. Neither show management nor the facility will be responsible for loss or damage to displays while at the gathering or while being brought into or out of the gathering facility. In all cases, the Exhibitor will assume responsibility for damage, howsoever caused, to property, accidents and/or injuries to Exhibitors or employees. All space is leased subject to the facility rules and regulations and those outlined in the Exhibitor’s manual.
- Lotteries/Contests. Exhibitors shall not operate draws or lotteries without the express written permission of show management. If permitted, the obligation is on the Exhibitor to ensure that it adheres to the applicable laws governing draws and/or lotteries. Show management reserves the right to ban objectionable premiums and novelties and to prevent the sale or distribution of any articles or products which it believes might endanger the health and safety of those attending the gathering.
- Demonstrations. Aisles must not be obstructed at any time. Demonstrations must be conducted within the aisle line of the exhibit space. If several spectators are expected to congregate at one time, space must be left within each exhibit area in which an audience may gather. Should spectators interfere with normal traffic flow in the aisle or overflow into the aisle, show management reserves the right to request that such presentations be limited or discontinued.
- Sound Levels. The noise level of any demonstrations or sound systems or equipment must be kept to a minimum in order not to interfere with others. Show management reserves the right to determine the sound level at which the noise interferes with others and may require the Exhibitor to discontinue.
- Food & Beverages. Exhibitors are not permitted to serve food or beverages in their exhibit area unless expressly permitted in writing by show management.
- Hospitality Suites, Exhibitor Functions. Show management requires that Exhibitors limit hospitality suites, social functions and off-floor seminars to times not in conflict with the gathering as listed in the program. In addition, the Exhibitor agrees to not remove attendees from the exhibit floor area during regular gathering hours.
- Admission. Show management shall have sole control over admission policies at all times.
- Cancellation. This exhibitor contract may be cancelled by either party upon giving written notice at least 60 days prior to the first day of the gathering. If show management cancels, it will refund all monies paid by the Exhibitor unless said the cancellation was caused by the Exhibitor’s failure to pay the amounts due and owing in accordance with the payment schedule, in which case show management will impose a cancellation fee equal to 25% of the contracted space costs. If it is the Exhibitor who has cancelled, then the Exhibitor shall pay an amount equal to 25% of the contracted space costs to show management, which cancellation fee may be deducted from any deposit held by show management. If the Exhibitor cancels within 30 days of the gathering date, then it will be liable for 100% of the contracted space costs and no refund will be given. The parties hereto agree that the aforementioned cancellation fee is not a penalty but a genuine pre-estimate of damages. Cancellation of this exhibitor contract, means that the Exhibitor forfeits all rights or claims to the allocated space and show management is free to rent it to others and collect the cost of the space as damages. Show management reserves the right at its sole discretion to change the date or dates upon which the gathering is held and shall not be liable for damages or otherwise by reason of such change. In addition, show management shall not be liable in damage or otherwise for failure to carry out the terms of this agreement in whole or in part where caused directly or indirectly by or in consequence of the criminal or terrorist act, acts of God, fire, storm, flood, war, rebellion, insurrection, riot, civil commotion, strike or by any cause whatever beyond the control of show management. In the event that the exhibit space to be used by the Exhibitor should in any way be rendered unusable, the Exhibitor shall pay for such space only for the period during which it was or could have been used as determined within the sole discretion of show management.
- Exceptions. While exceptions to these rules and regulations are not anticipated or encouraged, any such requests must be submitted to show management in writing at least 60 days prior to the gathering. Show management will rule on such requests and respond in writing no later than 20 days after receipt of the request.
- Amendment to Rules. Any matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules shall be subject solely to the decision of show management. The show management shall have full power in the matter of interpretation, amendment and enforcement of all said rules and regulations, and that any such amendments, when made and brought to the notice of the said Exhibitor, shall be and become part hereof as though duly incorporated herein and subject to each and every one of the terms and conditions herein set forth.
- Health and Safety Policy. A health and safety policy agreement must be signed before the company can exhibit. The company agrees to comply with all applicable sections of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, which among other things requires that the company, its employees and contractors, take all reasonable steps and precautions to protect the health and ensure the safety of all persons involved in the gathering.
- Exhibit Guidelines. All single and in-line booth back walls are restricted to 8 ft. in height and the dividers between the booths to 3 ft. in height. No part of the structural display at its full 8 ft. height may extend out more than 5 ft. from the back wall at that height. All sides and surfaces of the exhibit (booth and signs), which are exposed to a view, must be properly finished and decorated. Failure to provide a finished surface may result in a charge to mask off the surface.
- Photography. No photographs or video may be shot on the exhibit floor without written permission of show management. Show management reserves the right to request the deletion of unauthorized images and to remove the responsible parties from the exhibit floor. Show management shall not be responsible for lost or deleted images.
- Space Allocation. Show management reserves the right to alter the floor plan and to move exhibitors if so required at their sole discretion. Show management will promptly notify the exhibitor and do their best to assign a similar location.